Monday, March 9, 2009

Small Video

Here it is, my little video I have put together. I tried to make it about Academia and Assimilation (the kick I'm currently on this semester). It really isn't 5.5 minutes long; it's 4 and change.

I used screenshots from the game as well as video. I chose the music not only because they're songs I like, but also because of the lyrics. I could of had the music fade out and in in certain spots, but I kind of like the dissonance. It shows editing, a work in process that never quite reaches perfection.


  1. noob, this is fabulous! Congratulations on a great job! I look forward to seeing more of your work!


  2. Nice! I especially like the Elbow quote. What's that from? Interesting combination of music, images, and choice quotes. What's next? What are the images telling the reader/viewer?

    Thanks for sharing it! Interesting stuff. Can't wait to see what's next.

  3. I want to play this GAME!!! This is a sentence I got from this video. It goes "Sylwester, get the game from NOOB!" Good job!
