Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Little Dancer

So, I'm leveling my MNK and BRD in a static. I decided that it would probably be beneficial to level my DNC as a sub job. I've decided to try and do it "old school". I've been leveling my DNC slowly, no power leveling. I suppose I'll start seeking party soon; I'd like to hit level 16 first. That way I can update my armor. I have been using Fields of Valor though, I love the bonus xp on top of the xp from killing the mobs.

It was funny the other day during MNK static, the brd in party said that he was going to make his macros all haikus, lol. I think he only really made one, for mage's ballad. But it was funny! I thought of a paper topic: Sayings in Macros: poetry in videogames. People try to take some time to make up a saying that goes with the macro for whatever spell or ability they are using. Some take lines from movies, others make something up. I once partied with a player who had Bohemian Rhapsody all in macros. It was hilarious! There he'd be, smacking a mob and then, BOOM! Bohemian Rhapsody lyrics are filling the chat log XD

It kind of says something about the players personality of what they have in their macros. Sometimes it is simple, and others it can be very elaborate. And sometimes, it is just plain annoying. I mean, take a healer who has elaborate macros for cure spells. Now imagine partying with that healer >.> Not fun!

So, macro sayings, something worth looking at, and also have a set that doesn't spam the damn chat log.