Thursday, February 5, 2009

YouTube Addict

My name is The Noob, and I am a YouTube addict. If I’m bored, I go to YouTube (sometimes I multitask and go to Sporcle and have a YouTube video going on in the background.

I love YouTube. You can find smart stuff, stupid stuff, cute stuff, stuff to make fun of, stuff that was meant to make you laugh, etc. So, here I have provided two videos I really enjoy. Both can be considred fan made vids.

The first is: FFXI Matrix Yes, someone mushed two things I enjoy together and created this little gem. It has a point. No one can really tell you what the MMO is, you have to experience it. Creative and pointmaking; they have earned snaps *puts on black beret, and snaps*

The second is: Picard Song. Now the song was created by someone else, and then this video was made to the song. I enjoy both; why? One, it is ST:TNG. Two, there are some great lines in there: love the part where Picard is reciting Shakespeare to Lwaxana. Shakespeare and sci-fi, how cannot you not love it?


  1. Wow! I love it! As you know, I too am a YouTuber--you helped me with that! I think if you like some of that stuff, you might enjoy this! (It's clean, appropriate, etc.)

    I think you might enjoy it...just a little bit

    What do you think that part of the attraction to YouTube is? I saw some of your posting on Wade's blog. Do you think it's all about voice, or exposure, or maybe it's just someone who wants to be heard? (and do you think that all of these people are being heard?)

    Just a few things to gnaw on!

  2. YouTube is a vast wonderment of goodies. I think part of it is that it is just fun. How many people that post on YouTube actually think: this is a forum for my voice to be heard and interact with others--including those I don't know nor even imagined existed in my little monkeysphere? Even though most, I'd say, don't think this; they have an idea that must be shared or else it'll burst out of them like the alien in Alien. Idea like this used to be written in journals, wondered in silence gnawing at their thinker. Know, it is YouTubed for others.

  3. Coindentally, I have just written another named "Google Addiction". I got it from YouTube, too.

    Experience with YouTube, I am just a consumer who watch other people's video and TV programs from my country without commercial break. This is good enough though. In this term, I wish to broadcast my production from this course onto YouTube soon.

