Thursday, February 26, 2009
Revisions and New Media
But here are some ideas running through my head for this small vid project which some of my classmates have already just kicked arse on.
Playing with Tagg's article, and the idea of that with the loudest or most piercing sound has authority: my cat. My cat loves to hear his voice in the acoustics of the hall. His voice is piercing and can readily travel throughout the home, and can be heard from outside the door and garage. So, I'm thinking of making a funny vid based on his furriness' love of his voice.
The next is one I'm currently working on with Hts. I'm working with the idea of silence and authority of academia. I'm beginning to work on a paper about how Academia is like the Borg (from Star Trek: TNG) And that idea is converging with the idea of silence as a tactic of instructors--forcing their students to talk. I admit, I'm nervous about it; but it won't cause any waves or anything exciting. I'm just a little noob mouse who likes to pretend they've become a rebel lion. XD
So there we go. A quickie update of ideas floating around in my brain.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yoinking JPs Idea
2) Idea yoinked from JP's blog, in honor of the video section of New Media class, we give you music videos we like
3)Thanks JP! *raises idea, takes it down and passes it around*
So here we go. First I give you
Aerosmith Pink
Next: Two songs from Metallica. Here is an AMV for Unforgiven II
Next is the video for One. Now, the reason I chose this video was because when it came out I was a child and had older siblings. Older siblings, when babysitting, don't really think much (which is how I saw Poltergeist when I probably was way too young to watch it).
So, my brother used to record Nite Trax--where they played rock videos. This was one of the vids he recorded--it came on right after Faith No More's Epic (ya, the fish suffocating and piano exploding video). So, there. Oh, it is a link instead of being embedded...because they keep taking the original video down--so hurry and look before it disappears. Metallica One
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Obsessive Idea
So, take this idea of silence--guidance through silence and then apply it to a student who sees writing as a violent process (not that they would say that) but they hate writing because of how hard it is--never knowing what to write about, what the instructor wants, you just don't sound academic...etc. Do you like the silent treatment being put on you?
I'm in my office trying the my darnest (yes, I said darnest) to remember the National Conversation on Writing website (suprisingly simple, I know) and so I just YouTube it. Now, I tried so many versions of writing, conversation of writing, to find the video. I never did; but I did stumble upon this vid: Violence of Writing and it made me think (which can often be a dangerous activity).... So, what do you think?
Oh, and reading the info provided by the poster, it made me think of the Sapir-Whorf Theory (I had a Rhet/Comp prof teaching me about pedagogies in Compostion and this bad boy came up in discussion--throw this with noobs trying to understand Baudriallard, and yea...) BTW, I know it is a wiki page explaining the Theory...not scholarly journal credible but enough to get an idea across in my little insignificant blog.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Philosopher Crush
So, to make up for my slacking last week, I give you philosopher crush. Sames as scholar crush, but only dealing with philosophers, XD.
I took a Film as Literature classed titled: Posthumanism: More Human than Human. It is in this class that I became introduced to Baudrillard and Virilio. Now, reading these guys were a work out, especially Baudrillard. But, these guys give some food for thought, and that's what is important.
Now, read, chew on food for thought, and make your brain all wrinkly with understanding.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
YouTube Addict
My name is The Noob, and I am a YouTube addict. If I’m bored, I go to YouTube (sometimes I multitask and go to Sporcle and have a YouTube video going on in the background.
I love YouTube. You can find smart stuff, stupid stuff, cute stuff, stuff to make fun of, stuff that was meant to make you laugh, etc. So, here I have provided two videos I really enjoy. Both can be considred fan made vids.
The first is: FFXI Matrix Yes, someone mushed two things I enjoy together and created this little gem. It has a point. No one can really tell you what the MMO is, you have to experience it. Creative and pointmaking; they have earned snaps *puts on black beret, and snaps*
The second is: Picard Song. Now the song was created by someone else, and then this video was made to the song. I enjoy both; why? One, it is ST:TNG. Two, there are some great lines in there: love the part where Picard is reciting Shakespeare to Lwaxana. Shakespeare and sci-fi, how cannot you not love it?