Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gamer or Instructor...?

First of all, I'd like to offer this: I do not want this to become an emo blog. But I do want to include my endeavors in academia. This includes teaching; hence the following post.

So the first week of class has passed. On the first day I introduced myself, the class and did an overview of my syllabus. Know the syllabus, love the syllabus. I also hold an introduction exercise for my students where I get to know a little about them; and since I don't have them do something I would not, I introduce myself to them.

Simple, right? Maybe not so much. I'm in a precarious position here. I am the dreaded Teaching Assistant *cue the "bom bom BOM"* So, am I faculty or student, maybe I'm just a weird hybrid. But that's a different post. Basically, I'm a junior. Yes, I can get perks--hello faculty parking--but I'm also a peon.

The head of the program I teach comes and sees me today. No biggie, the faculty here is friendly like that (weird, considering the program I came from). So, I find out a student has moved from my class, and spoke to the powers that be about me. Now, I admire that the student felt comfortable to give their reasons about the transfer and talk about me. I feel that's a characteristic of a good program and department: the students are comfortable enough to state doubts and concerns AND most importantly, the faculty listens to them. Get that, listen not just hear, but listen.

So, since they listen, I got "spoken to". Yes, the concerns about my comments didn't seem normal for me. I admit, I can have a very sarcastic sense of humor--just like I can go way out there where only 1 or 2 people get me. It happens. So, lesson learned, explain my humor.

What does this have to do with gaming? Good question, dear reader (channeling Bronte, here). My humor is the same in the game as it is in the classroom. Now, in the game I can get away with it. Why? Is the idea of who and what makes a gamer completely alien to the ideas of who at what instructors are? Are instructors not supposed to be sarcastically funny? Is this solely reserved for misanthropic doctors on scripted drama tv? If you do something stupid, am I not allowed to laugh? If you give me a console and controller, do I not game? If you give me scholarship, do I not analyze? The answer is I do. I laugh at people who do stupid things. I game, I analyze. I analyze the games I play! Try explaining that in an xp grind.

So, ultimatly this rant boils down to WHY!? *melodramatic falling to knees (think something ala Shatner)* Why do we associate certain qualities with people who game? Why do we associate certain qualites with those who teach? Why can't the two blend? That's the beauty of MMOs. You're playing with people of all professions, and they are gamers. They can game chat with the best, and be crude and whatever stereotype you associate with gamers. Those people are also doctors, scholars, business execs, moms and what have you. Should they be forced to hide the gaming aspect of their personality just because the world can only define them as one thing? If so, I cry foul! Rebel...subvert authority and be who you are.

1 comment:

  1. "Should they be forced to hide the gaming aspect of their personality just because the world can only define them as one thing?"

    Absolutely not. To answer your previous question of "Why do we associate certain qualities with people who game?", I submit it is for the same reason that certain ethnic group, religious groups, or even the sexes are pigeon-holed. We are taught from our earliest years what one group "is." [sarcasm]Baptists are strict moral compasses. Women are the "weaker" gender. Hispanics are all about family![/sarcasm]

    Although each group contains these traits, many people can't see beyond them. As you reach out and try to penetrate the veil of stupidity that covers others' eyes and prevents them from realizing that gamers are just as human as they are, remember to utilize your knowledge of the veil. Remind them that they are not all they are "thought" to be, and remind them how (in some cases), not long ago they would have been ridiculed or shunned in society for exercising their freedoms. Freedoms which they now use to shun those who would otherwise proudly say "I'm a gamer."
